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Lesson Notes:

Minnows (Age 3-SK):

The Prophet Ezekiel- Ezekiel (Note: Ezekiel is a prophet. This book has 48 Chapters and if found in the Old Testament, after the Lamentations. Historically, after several kinds- both good and bad- there came a time of prophets. There are several prophetic books which take us to the end of the Old Testament. Many of these prophets foreshadow the coming of a Messiah (we see this especially with Isaiah) and lead us into the New Testament and the life and legacy of Jesus.)

The prophet Ezekiel offered words of hope to the people in exile. Their city and temple had been destroyed. They were forced to live in a faraway land. Despite these desperate circumstances, God, the loving shepherd, would seek and restore those who had been scattered. Those who were weak would be strengthened. God promised that they would return home and rebuild what had been broken. The fields would yield an abundant harvest.

Starfish (Gr.1-2)/Seals (Gr.3-4):
Ezekiel and the dry bones  - Ezekiel 37:1-14 

Ezekiel lived in Babylon, carried there by armies that had destroyed Jerusalem. In a vision, God took Ezekiel to a valley of dry bones and told him to prophesy. The bones became bodies. The four winds brought death to the bodies, and they were restored to life. Through this vision, God gave Ezekiel a message to share with the people. God’s spirit would bring life and hope. The people would return to their own land.

For Parents:

You may enjoy these songs in light of these lessons about Ezekiel:

I really love these songs and thought you might know/enjoy them too.