
Mark 1:35
Solitude Overview

"...Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place..." Mark 1:35.
This week we continue examining Jesus' habit of rest in times of busyness. Building on last week's invitation to carve out a time to be with God, this week we look at finding a space to be alone with God.
Finding solitude in our spiritual lives has a few things we can unpack from scripture, and I'd like to look at a couple of these.  
1.    Solitude is something we do with ourselves and God.  
2.    Solitude when it is experienced requires that we go Within.
3.    Often solitude requires a chance of scenery.
4.    In solitude we are never completely alone.
May we make the choice daily to prioritize our connection with God.
May we have the courage this week to allow God into those places and into that space we might discover some things about ourselves if God knocks on a door that we've kept closed or we didn't even know we had locked.
May we pray for the Spirit’s gentle reminders to come away and seek the rest of God in solitude.  
God bless you in your rest Gathering Church. 

Practicing Solitude Video Link:

Find time for Solitude Video

Reflection/Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever felt down about something, or restless about how your life was going, and then, instead of sitting with the feeling awhile, started surfing the internet?  Did that give you what you wanted or what you needed in that moment?  What do you think you are most concerned about with the idea of solitude?  
2. The sermon claimed that, “In solitude we are never completely alone.”  What do you think would help you to listen for God’s voice this week, which in Elijah’s case came in the form of a gentle whisper?  
3. Jesus invites you to, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” —Mark 6:31.  Can you commit to hearing His voice this week in a place of solitude?  If so, where would that place be?  It may help to begin to imagine yourself in that place.